6 ways to green your morning routine

A refreshed morning routine on a cold winter morning can warm up your day and get you started on the right foot. Whether it's brewing a hot pot of coffee or taking a warm shower, why not make your morning routine a bit greener? Here are six ways to help you kick off your day the green way.

1. Brew it right: Brew your own coffee at home or grab your travel mug before heading to your local coffee shop.

2. Set it and forget it: Save energy by using a programmable thermostat or an app on your smartphone to automatically set the temperature a few degrees lower when no one is home. On average, you can save two to three per cent on heating bills for every degree your thermostat is turned down in colder weather.

3. Reduce waste: Pack your lunch and snacks in reusable containers and always make sure to have a reusable water bottle on hand.

4. A bright idea: Up to 10 per cent of a household's average electricity bill can come from appliances and electronics on standby mode. Before running out the door, shut off all lights and unplug small appliances that aren't needed throughout the day to reduce energy waste.

5. Money down the drain: Reduce water use by cutting even just a few minutes off your shower time and shutting the water off while brushing your teeth.

6. Don't idle: On frosty mornings, most vehicles only need about 30 seconds to warm up before hitting the road in the winter. Cutting down on idling is better for the environment and will save you precious minutes on your morning commute.

– News Canada