Whether you’re looking to catch up with old friends, keep up with your kids’ lives or do just about anything these days, it often seems like you have to embrace technology. Even if that makes you want to hide under a rock, it’s never too late to brush up on your digital skills.
Here are three ways to boost your technological know-how.
Ask around
Don’t be shy, chances are your friends have similar tech questions as you. Bringing up your questions with friends can reveal gaps in each other’s knowledge that complement one another – and you might be able to teach each other something new. If you are patient and ready to listen and learn, your friends and family will likely be more willing to show you the ropes of a group chat app, how to order something online or how to change the settings on your email inbox.
Learn to keep safe
Some of us avoid taking advantage of tech tools because we’re nervous about getting scammed or making some costly or embarrassing mistakes. While the internet, social media and other tech tools are not entirely without risk, once you know what to watch out for you can keep yourself safe. So, get informed through reputable sources and take precautions like setting secure passwords and not clicking on links or attachments.
Many of us learn best by doing, and many of our skills get rusty without practice. So, grab your device or go online and see what you can figure out. Start small. Look through the settings on your cellphone and check out legitimate resources online for tips and support. ABC Life Literacy Canada is one non-profit organization that has a variety of resources designed to help adults at any stage get started with digital technology, including free online courses.
By taking a few simple steps to engage with technology, you’ll be up and running in no time. Find more information and free resources at abcconnectforlearning.ca.