Ontario | Burlington Rental Guide
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Prices and availability in Burlington were last updated on 2025-03-13 on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Burlington is between $1,640 and $1,640.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Burlington is between $1,899 and $2,385.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in Burlington is between $2,185 and $2,800.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in Burlington is between $2,799 and $3,195.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in Burlington is 947 sq. ft.
Don't miss out! Create an alert for Apartments for rent in Burlington
Prices and availability in N/A were last updated on N/A on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in N/A is 0 sq. ft.
Located in the Halton Region, Burlington is a community with a rich history between the western end of Lake Ontario and the Niagara Escarpment. Find Burlington apartments for rent and live in the city that has been rated the 2nd best city in Canada to live in (2012) by Money Sense magazine.
Education in Burlington
Four different school boards offer elementary and secondary education in both French and English. Students can find one-bedroom apartments for rent at one of the following post-secondary institutions:
• McMaster University DeGroote School of Business
• Charles Sturt University study centre
• Canadian Therapeutic College
Recreation and Sport in Burlington
Find low-income apartments for rent in Burlington and stay active all year round.
• Lasalle Park – Enjoy the marina or make use of the walking trails, sports fields or picnic area.
• Spencer Smith Park – The recreational centre of the waterfront trail, this park features several performance areas. Use the waterfront trail daily for rollerblading, running or for enjoying the use of the volleyball courts at the beach.
• The Bruce Trail – This great hiking trail travels along the Niagara Escarpment. Burlington offers great access to this gorgeous hiking path.
Arts, Events, and Cultural Attractions in Burlington
There are many parks, art and historical attractions in Burlington. Find apartments to rent in Burlington and get ready for the annual events that bring excitement into this beautiful city.
• The Royal Botanical Gardens – Escape to paradise in the city in these beautiful gardens. Programs and events are available all year round, or simply enjoy a nice walk around the premises with your family.
• The Burlington Art Centre – The BAC offers a wide variety of classes to inspire children and adults to be creative.
• Canada's Largest Ribfest – Held annually every Labour Day weekend, this festival includes music, games, and of course, mouth-watering ribs.
• The Sound of Music Festival – Canada's largest free music festival features all types of music. From jazz to rock, there's something for everyone.
Shopping in Burlington
Burlington is also a great destination for shopping with the Burlington Mall – home of the Burlington Farmers Market – and the Mapleview Shopping Centre.
Transportation in Burlington
Burlington Transit is the main public transport provider which offers connections to three commuter GO Train stations: Appleby, Burlington and Aldershot. Burlington also has easy access to the Queen Elizabeth Way, Highway 403, Highway 407 and Dundas Street.