Ontario | Cornwall Rental Guide
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Prices and availability in Cornwall were last updated on 2025-03-31 on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Cornwall is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Cornwall is between $1,750 and $1,750.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in Cornwall is between $1,595 and $1,995.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in Cornwall is between N/A and N/A.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in Cornwall is 726 sq. ft.
Don't miss out! Create an alert for Apartments for rent in Cornwall
Prices and availability in N/A were last updated on N/A on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in N/A is 0 sq. ft.
Find a place to rent in Cornwall, Ontario. The province’s eastern-most city is just off the 401, and about an hour-and-a-half south of Ottawa. Its proximity to the St. Lawrence River affords Cornwall’s residents countless recreational activities, year round.
Recreation, Arts and Culture in Cornwall, Ontario
With its eclectic mix of urban space meets rural charm, there are many things to do in Cornwall, Ontario.
• McMaze Family Fun Farm – with each new season comes a new activity at this Cornwall mainstay. Families can enjoy corn mazes, pumpkin picking, wagon rides, horse-drawn sleigh rides, farm animals and more.
• Cornwall Motor Speedway – from mid-May to mid-September the speedway provides adrenaline-pumping entertainment for residents in and around Cornwall.
• Historic Cornwall Jail – operating from the early 1800s through 2002, this slice of history allows visitors to see what life was like for the inmates who resided there.
• Upper Canada Playhouse – for nine months each year this theatre brings live theatre to Cornwall and its surrounding counties.
• Aquatic Sports, Golf and more.
Education in Cornwall, Ontario
Students can find apartments for rent in Cornwall, Ontario close to its post-secondary institution:
• University of Ottawa (Cornwall) – this distance education centre offers students a variety of primarily undergraduate programs. Registrants can major in education, criminology, psychology, sociology, nursing and more.
Transportation in Cornwall, Ontario
If you’re renting in Cornwall, you can use the fully accessible Cornwall Transit System every day of the week, except Sundays and holidays.