Manitoba | Selkirk Rental Guide
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Prices and availability in Selkirk were last updated on 2025-03-12 on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Selkirk is between $1,099 and $1,099.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Selkirk is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in Selkirk is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in Selkirk is between N/A and N/A.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in Selkirk is 468 sq. ft.
Don't miss out! Create an alert for Apartments for rent in Selkirk
Prices and availability in N/A were last updated on N/A on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in N/A is 0 sq. ft.
Find apartments for rent in Selkirk, Manitoba. This quaint little city on the banks of Red River is a great place to live, work and raise a family. Its 10,000 residents are proud of its tourism economy, steel mill, and quality of life.
Recreation, Arts and Culture in Selkirk, Manitoba
Renting in Selkirk means you get to experience all this great city has to offer. When you live in one of Selkirk’s apartment rentals, you’ll be close to some of the area’s most popular attractions:
• Marine Museum of Manitoba – a local attractive featuring a collection of preserved historical artefacts. Founded in 1972, the Marine Museum of Manitoba tells the story of marine life on Lake Winnipeg and the Red River throughout history. Travel back as far as 1850 to modern day nautical traditions.
• Red River Lighthouse – this wooden lighthouse is more than 100 years old. Built in 1904, the Red River Lighthouse was originally located where the Red River and Lake Winnipeg meet. Since 1922, the Red River Lighthouse has resided at the Marine Museum.
• Fishing, Golfing, and more.
Transportation in Selkirk, Manitoba
When you’re renting in Selkirk, there’s no need to sweat public transit. The city is serviced by Selkirk Transit, a fixed-route public transit system. Since 2011, Selkirk Transit has served Selkirk residents, operating from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. As of 2015, Selkirk Transit now provides door-to-door assisted transportation services to eligible Selkirk residents. Selkirk Mobility runs from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.