British Columbia | New Westminster Rental Guide
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Prices and availability in New Westminster were last updated on 2025-03-03 on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in New Westminster is between $1,764 and $1,925.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in New Westminster is between $1,895 and $2,328.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in New Westminster is between $2,450 and $2,832.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in New Westminster is between $2,765 and $3,808.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in New Westminster is 723 sq. ft.
Don't miss out! Create an alert for Apartments for rent in New Westminster
Prices and availability in N/A were last updated on N/A on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in N/A is 0 sq. ft.
Located in British Columbia, New Westminster apartment rentals are only 20 km southeast of Vancouver. Find a rental property in New Westminster if you would like to live in a city with a small town feel and be on the banks of the Fraser River.
Arts, Recreation and Attractions in New Westminster
You will find affordable properties to rent in New Westminister and you will be close to some of these amazing attractions:
• Massey Theatre – This terrific centre attracts great performances, such as the New Westminster Symphony Orchestra, and is even available for to rent for events.
• Parks – New Westminster is fukk of a variety of urban and natural parks, trails and open spaces. Find an apartment for rent near a park in New Westminster and you will be close to a variety of amenities such as tennis courts, basketball courts and sports fields.
• 1865 Irving House – Discover the rich history of this city in New Westminster’s Grandest House.