British Columbia | Burnaby Rental Guide
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Prices and availability in Burnaby were last updated on 2025-03-12 on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Burnaby is between $2,099 and $2,099.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in Burnaby is between $1,850 and $2,358.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in Burnaby is between $2,654 and $3,059.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in Burnaby is between $3,449 and $3,693.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in Burnaby is 1051 sq. ft.
Don't miss out! Create an alert for Apartments for rent in Burnaby
Prices and availability in N/A were last updated on N/A on the site.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a studio apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 2-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
Monthly rental cost for a 3-bedroom apartment in N/A is between N/A and N/A.
The average unit size for the rental apartments in N/A is 0 sq. ft.
Located only 20 minutes east of Vancouver, housing for rent in British Columbia can be found in the picturesque community of Burnaby.
Arts, Parks and Recreation in Burnaby
• Burnaby Art Gallery – This gallery hosts a variety of events and programs for people of all ages.
• Burnaby Outdoor Facilities – Stay active with a multitude of activities to participate in. Find apartment rentals in British Columbia and you’ll be close to pools, tennis courts, soccer fields and even rowing on Lake Burnaby.
• Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area – Only one of Burnaby’s many parks and open spaces, this conservation area allows visitors to cycle, picnic and explore hiking trails.
Transportation in Burnaby
• SkyTrain – Burnaby is close enough to Vancouver to utilize its public transit system. This includes the SkyTrain, which is an efficient way to travel and offers riders a great view..